Is it OK to feed my dog raw chicken
Can Dogs Eat Chicken?
Considering how many dog foods contain chicken as an ingredient, its a safe bet that you can feed your dog chicken. In fact, its a good source of protein, and cooked chicken can even be substituted for or added to his regular meal.
Most sources recommend against raw chicken, due to the risk of salmonella or bacterial infections, although the movement toward raw food, including raw chicken and raw chicken bones, is growing. But if youre not sure about raw food diets, any unseasoned roasted, poached, grilled, or baked chicken can be served on its own, mixed with your dogs regular meal, or served as a treat. You can even mix it with a healthy grain, and a vegetable such as string beans or other vegetables safe for dogs, for a special homemade dinner.
There are two things to be aware of before serving your dog chicken.
- Some dogs are allergic to chicken, and it ranks among the top 10 allergy-inducing ingredients. The most common allergens are beef, dairy, wheat, egg, chicken, lamb, soy, pork, rabbit, and fish.
- Be sure to take cooked chicken off the bone. Cooked chicken bones splinter easily, which can cause choking or a gastrointestinal tract puncture
If youve determined that your dog happily and healthily eats chicken, go ahead and let them enjoy it. And, just for fun, try these homemade, vet-approved chicken recipes for dogs: a yummy mini omelette or frozen chicken treat.
Learn more about human foods your dog can and cant eat.
Can dogs eat raw chicken legs, wings, drumsticks or feet?
The majority of pet owners feed their dogs kibble or wet food. However, more and more dog owners are shifting to a raw food diet. In addition to those feeding a raw food diet, some owners are learning about the benefits of providing occasional raw food as a supplement to their dogs regular diet.
Chicken is a staple of the modern dogs diet. Is it safe to feed your dog raw chicken?
Can dogs eat raw chicken legs?
Theres some debate on whether dogs should be fed raw chicken legs. Raw chicken does pose some risks, but also brings health benefits.
What is a Chicken Leg?
Chicken leg and chicken drumstick are often used interchangeably, but there are different cuts of meat. A chicken leg includes the drumstick and the thigh. These two pieces remain connected, creating one large piece.
Benefits of Raw Chicken
The raw diet is gaining in popularity for good reason. Commercial foods are made with many foods your dog wouldnt naturally eat in the wild. They are highly processed, and have preservatives to extend the shelf life of the food.
When you feed your dog raw chicken, they are eating as nature intended. This is what they were designed to consume. There are no worries about preservatives or losing nutrients through processing.
It also lowers your dogs risk of obesity. If you are concerned about food allergies, a raw diet makes management easier. You know exactly what your pooch is eating.
Other benefits of a raw diet include a healthier coat, a lower risk of skin conditions, higher energy levels, and smaller poop piles.
Its important to note that feeding a completely raw diet requires careful planning. Youll need to be sure your dog gets enough of all major nutrients by feeding correct proportions of different meats.
Supplementing a commercial diet with raw chicken can also provide the benefits listed above. Some of them may be seen to a lesser degree, but its still a great way to care for your pet.
Salmonella is the number one problem with feeding your dog raw chicken legs. Its the number one cause of food poisoning, and can make you or your dog very sick.
Salmonella is found in uncooked meats, with chicken being the main culprit. Other food items, like lettuce, can also become contaminated with salmonella.
Obviously, you should never feed your dog any food that shows signs of spoilage, because its likely to harbor dangerous bacteria. However, salmonella is problematic because the meat will appear fine, even though it is contaminated with the bacteria.
You probably know that you should be careful when handling raw chicken. You should wash your hands, and disinfect any surface the chicken comes into contact with. This is because salmonella can transfer from the raw chicken you placed on your counter to the lettuce wrap you are having for lunch.
The signs of salmonella poisoning include vomiting, diarrhea, fever, lethargy, and lack of appetite. If your dog shows these symptoms, particularly after eating raw meat, youll need to make a vet appointment.
If your dog has a poor immune system, salmonella can be fatal. In most cases, it is treated with antibiotics and the pooch makes a full recovery. Not without some very sick days, however.
How Big a Danger is Salmonella?
Salmonella is certainly a risk when feeding your dog raw chicken, but the actual risk to your dog is unclear. Dogs have a higher acidity level in their stomach than we do. Youve probably seen your dog eating something that would make you violently ill at some point.
It may have been spoiled meat, garbage, or even a dead animal. Dogs have evolved to eat raw meat, and even meat that has been dead for days. This is how they survive in the wild.
According to the FDA, dogs and cats rarely contract salmonella. However, when they do, they can spread it to their owners. Dogs can shed the bacteria in their feces and saliva, even if they arent showing symptoms of the illness themselves.
In most cases, a dog who gets salmonella poisoning has an underlying health issue that makes them more susceptible.
If you want to feed your dog raw chicken and minimize the risk, its wise to speak with your vet. If your pooch has no health problems that can weaken their digestive system, the risk is low.
If you are at a higher risk of salmonella complications, this should be considered as well. For most people, salmonella can cause them to be very sick, but causes no permanent damage. However, the very young, elderly, and pregnant women are at a higher risk of serious complications or death from salmonella.
How Much Is Too Much?
A full leg portion is a hefty meal for a dog, particularly a smaller pooch. If your dog is eating a raw diet, a large dog should have about 2 pounds of raw chicken at least once a day. This should be supplemented with organs and beef, at least some days.
If your dog isnt eating a completely raw diet, and you are supplementing their standard pet food, one chicken leg may be too much, particularly if they arent accustomed to raw meat.
Can dogs eat chicken feet?
Chicken feet can be an excellent addition to your dogs diet. They are very high in glucosimine and chondroitin, which support joint health. They also make a great chewy.
Benefits of Chicken Feet
Chicken feet are high in many vitamins and minerals. If your dog eats a commercial diet, they are a great supplement. If your dog has a raw diet, they are still a suitable treat.
The texture of chicken feet make them an excellent dental bone. The act of chewing the feet will help clean your dogs teeth.
The glucosomine and chondrotin in chicken feet is highly beneficial for joint health. If you have an older dog who suffers from arthritis, they may help relieve the symptoms, particularly over time.
They are high in protein and low in calories. If your dog is on a diet, they are a great alternative to commercial dog treats. In addition to being low calories, they provide entertainment and can keep your dog occupied much longer than typical treats.
Freshor Frozen Chicken Feet
The simplest way to get chicken feet is at your local butcher or grocery store. When it comes to chicken feet, its ok to feed your dog human food. Some stores carry raw chicken feet. Others may have frozen chicken feet.
They have not been processed at all. They are similar to something your dog would eat in the wild, which can provide a healthy addition to a standard diet.Youll need to store them in the fridge or freezer, just as you would raw meat.
Dehydrated Chicken Feet
If you want a treat with a longer shelf life, or a slightly less lifelike appearance, dehydrated chicken feet are an option. These are often sold as dog treats. Because they are dehydrated, they can be stored at room temperature for up to 6 months.
Can dogs eat raw chicken drumsticks?
Raw chicken drumsticks will carry the same risks and benefits of raw chicken legs. Generally, if your dog is healthy, you can feed your pooch raw chicken drumsticks.
Chicken Handling Safety
There are ways you can reduce the risk of salmonella and other problematic bacteria. First, always rinse the chicken thoroughly before serving it to your dog.
Do not thaw frozen chicken on the counter. It should be thawed in the refrigerator. If you really need to thaw it quickly, use the microwave. It may diminish its nutritional value slightly, but it wont allow bacteria to grow.
Never let chicken sit at room temperature. Once it reaches room temperature, harmful bacteria begin to grow. If your dog doesnt finish their meal, dispose of any leftover raw meat after they finish eating.
Can dogs eat raw chicken wings?
Yes, your dog can eat raw chicken wings. The risks and precautions are the same as they are for other pieces of raw chicken. However, wings do not have much meat on them.
They are safe as a treat, but they should not make up a significant part of your dogs diet, because they are mostly made of bone.
What to do if my dog eats raw chicken legs or feet?
You had no intention of feeding your dog raw chicken. You placed some chicken on your counter, and walked away for a moment. When you come back, your dog is enjoying a feast of raw chicken. Should you be worried?
The Good News
The good news is your dog should be fine. The risk of salmonella for dogs is low. However, your dog can experience some adverse effects.
What to Expect
If your dog isnt accustomed to raw food, they may experience diarrhea. Diarrhea can also occur simply from switching your dogs food, so its not necessarily an indication of illness.
Its simply something new, and their digestive tract isnt accustomed to it. The larger the amount of chicken they ate, the higher the chances of mild stomach upset.
However, if you notice severe diarrhea, vomiting, or fever, youll need to visit the vet. They may have salmonella poisoning.
How many raw chicken legs can a dog eat?
This depends on your dogs weight and their diet. If you are feeding a raw diet, youll want to feed 2-4% of your dogs body weight each day, preferably split between two meals.
Youll want to feed chicken, including the bones, organ meat, and some beef.
If you are supplementing your dogs regular diet, start slow. Give them one chicken leg, or even one half a leg a day. If your dog isnt used to eating bones, only give them bones a few times a week. Bones are great for your dogs health, but too many can cause constipation.
Can dogs eat raw chicken?
Generally, yes a healthy dog can eat raw chicken. If your dog has any health issues or you have concerns, speak to your vet first. If you arent comfortable with feeding raw chicken, but youd like to improve their diet, there are some other options.
Chicken Feet
Chicken feet have a low risk of salmonella, so they are a better option if the bacteria is a concern. Just wash them thoroughly before serving, and get them from a reputable source.
Cooked Chicken
Cooked chicken can be a high protein addition to your dogs regular diet. Cook the chicken thoroughly and dont add any spices or seasonings. However, never feed your dog cooked chicken bones. They become brittle and can splinter.
This can cause your dog to choke. They can also cause perforations in your dogs esophagus or digestive tract, because the splinters are hard and sharp.